Alma L. Steinmetz

female 1887-1983
20th Century
Life city:
Indianapolis, IN
Work city:
Indianapolis, IN
Edward R. Sitzman
Still Lifes
We're very interested in buying artwork by Alma L. Steinmetz.
Drop us a note on your art or call the gallery (317) 253-5910.
re: Alma L. Steinmetz

This biographical information comes from the Hoosier Salon Book; A Grand Tradition: The Art and Artists of the Hoosier Salon, Newton and Weiss, 1993. Steinmetz was born in Dearborn County, Indiana on June 8th, 1887, however, she spent most of her life in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her most notable teacher was Edward Sitzman. Steinmetz's Legerdemain received a purchase award as an outstanding still life in the 1947 Hoosier Salon. She also exhibited at the Broward Art League in Florida in 1955. She married Hartog Bobbe and later died in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on May 28, 1983. We would love to learn more of the life and art of Alma Steinmetz. If you can provide us any further information, please contact us.

Autumn Colors Winter Landscape Lilacs

Can you tell us more about the life or art of Alma L. Steinmetz? Please contact us if you can add to our biography.

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